Bryan Stanley William Johnson was an English experimental novelist, poet and literary critic. His early stories used several innovative devices, the second including cut-through pages to enable the reader to skip forward. His work became progressively even more experimental. The Unfortunates (1969) being published in a box with no binding (readers could assemble the book any way they liked, apart…
The 2 by 2 matrix or contingency table
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★ The future of health is self-production and co-creation based on apomediative decision support
Medical Sciences 6: 66 [with Mette Kjer Kaltoft] PMID: 30135365 DOI: 10.3390/medsci6030066 Cultural changes are needed in medicine if the benefits of technological advances are tobenefit healthcare users. The Digital Health Manifesto of ‘medical futurist’ doctor Bertalan Meskó and‘e-patient’ Dave deBronkart, The Patient Will See You Now by Eric Topol and The Patient as CEO byRobin Farmanfarmaian, are among the…
Decision technologies and the independent professional
Quality in Health Care, 10 (Supp 2), ii59-ii63. PMID: 11700381 Most references to “leadership” and “learning” as sources of quality improvement in medical care reflect an implicit commitment to the decision technology of “clinical judgement”. All attempts to sustain this waning decision technology by clinical guidelines, care pathways, “evidence based practice”, problem based curricula, and other stratagems only increase the…
Dissonance Deficit Denial Disorder
The Coronavirus and Brexit debates have led to the recognition of a new disease, previously undetected and therefore under-diagnosed and under-treated. Dr Ivor Newcon, of Ailmongering University Hospital, has led the world in researching and diagnosing the new disease. Inspired by Motivational Deficiency Disorder (video)
How "Interesting Ideas" Turn the World Inside Out
the hero’s journey
According to Christopher Vogel :